Android Enterprise Recommended- The BIBLE for your Business mobiles


Getting the right device can be hard…. but when you’re choosing a smartphone for your business it can be extremely hard! How can you be certain you’re investing in the right technology? 

Don’t worry, Android have created a programme which makes it simple for you and your business to confidently select a range of Android devices and services. It simplifies the selection process – so you and your business can start your search with a shortlist of approved devices and services.

It helps businesses find TOP partners who have been validated and trained by Google. In other words they definitely know what they’re talking about! They can offer you and your business a secure and up-to-date service.

Android Enterprise Recommended- guarantees your selected device will have security updates once every 90 days, one additional major OS update and zero touch enrolement.

It’s EASY PEASY, click here -

If you’d like to chat about the Android Enterprise Recommended programme, please contact us at Blend. We would love to hear from you, no matter how big or small your questions are from our HQ in Cardiff….

Jay Birch